You are currently viewing 99% of people want to see the mural painted in colour

99% of people want to see the mural painted in colour

Thanks to all who participated in our poll to decide whether the mural should be in colour or black and white. Colour wins hands down. We are now looking to appoint contractors and hope to confirm a timeline for the painting of the mural soon.

Exeter Kindness

The Exeter Kindness project aims to paint a large-scale mural in Central Exeter that promotes generosity. Best-selling author and Oscar-winner Charlie Mackesy has given permission for one of his illustrations to be used and 82-year old Paul Colsell, a veteran artist will produce the mural in aid of charity. Sponsor veteran artist Paul Colsell in his quest to paint an iconic mural that celebrates generosity in our city and raises funds for local charities.

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  1. Elizabeth Boreham


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