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Exeter Kindness mural starts to take shape

The Exeter Kindness mural is well on its way following the extensive renovation of the wall. Artist Paul Colsell and his son Harry started work on the illustration on Sunday 8th January and are making steady progress. They aim for it to be completed within 10 days.

Paul, who had the vision to paint a large mural in the city centre, has been patiently waiting for this opportunity for many months and now the time has finally come, albeit in weather that is not ideal for any outdoor activity! He originally hoped to paint the mural in Summer however this wasn’t possible due to delays with the renovation.

Paul had the option to wait until the Spring, but such is his enthusiasm for the project, he decided to continue despite the cold weather. Fortunately Paul’s son, Harry was able to visit Exeter, to assist him. Harry is a ‘tree surgeon’ in Norway so is used to working at great heights. Paul isn’t, so we commend his bravery on being on the scaffolding day after day at a height most people would avoid!

Exeter Kindness mural grid

In the video below Paul shares the process he has used towards reproducing the largest Charlie Mackesy illustration to date. Firstly, he divided the original page from the best-selling book into squares and then transferred each square onto the wall, drawing each square by hand. This has provided the outline which is now being painted meticulously. And all this on three floors of scaffolding and in freezing conditions.

Thank you to Johnsons for the paint

The paint for the project has kindly been donated by Johnsons Decorating Centre of Marsh Barton. We so appreciate the generosity of the businesses in Exeter who have supported the project. See: Thanks to all our contractors who have made the Exeter Kindness Mural possible

Give now to help people in need in our city

The Exeter Kindness Mural aims to inspire kindness in our city. Please consider supporting our project by giving towards the charities that operate in the Crossline Building. This includes the Crossline Soup Kitchen that feeds the homeless daily.

Please click the donate link below if you would like to give a gift of any amount.

Thanks to Gwenllian for all the stunning pics

Although it’s cold, Paul and Harry have been blessed with dry weather and some winter sunshine. This has been great for our photographer, Gwenllian Riall of White Linen Photography who has taken some really great shots.

As she wrote on Facebook on Day 4 of the ‘big paint’. “Heads are emerging from behind the scaffolding! And the sun ☀️ keeps shining on Paul and Harry, but they have raided the charity shops for lined shirts, gillets and padded jackets! It’s bitterly cold! If you wish to warm them up, treat them to a coffee at the Exe Roasters! ☺️

Indeed, the nearby coffee shop, Exe Roasters has been a life saver for the team.

Exeter Kindness

The Exeter Kindness project aims to paint a large-scale mural in Central Exeter that promotes generosity. Best-selling author and Oscar-winner Charlie Mackesy has given permission for one of his illustrations to be used and 82-year old Paul Colsell, a veteran artist will produce the mural in aid of charity. Sponsor veteran artist Paul Colsell in his quest to paint an iconic mural that celebrates generosity in our city and raises funds for local charities.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. adrian

    brilliant work – if it wasnt for you guys I’d have never have known about the exeter kindness project

  2. Bernard Gaynor

    Very well done Paul & Harry – a great project and a lasting monument for not only the people of Exeter but us all whenever we visit. Keep warm (and safe up there!)
    Love to you both. Bernard & Tricia xxx

  3. Exeter Kindness
    Exeter Kindness

    Thank you Bernard and Tricia for your kind message. Much appreciated.

  4. Exeter Kindness
    Exeter Kindness

    Thanks so much for commenting and for the donation received from your company. This will go towards the charities we are supporting in the building. Your gift is a huge encouragement!

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